Who Uses Netpeak Software Products

Looking for solutions to grow your website, increase organic traffic and boost revenue? Pros around the world are using Netpeak Spider and Checker for their day-to-day tasks.

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  • SEO specialists and webmasters
  • Link builders
  • Marketing and content teams
  • Web developers and QA
  • Sales teams
  • PPC specialists
  • Bloggers

SEO Specialists and Webmasters Tasks

Audit of each website page by 80+ parameters
Searching for issues in website’s SEO for boosting organic traffic
Comparing a large number of URLs
    Custom scraping of website data
    Working with huge websites (100K+ pages)
      Getting full site structure
      Improving internal linking
      In-depth SEO analytics with segmentation
      Exporting comprehensive reports about optimization progress (to Google Drive / Sheets as well)
      Preparing for moving or redesigning the website
        Checking the website after solving issues or implementing any changes
        SERP scraping
        Link profile analysis of your or competitors’ websites
        Creating and validating sitemap (XML, Image, HTML)
        Checking pages for SEO compatibility (compliancy, availability, content)
          Performing audit in a few clicks to quickly check the state of the project
          Analyzing competitors’ SEO strategy
          Checking the indexation and snippets in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex
          Detecting and optimizing old blog posts, which don’t bring traffic
          Checking orthography

          Link Builders Tasks

          Evaluating website’s quality for link building
          Сomparing a large number of URLs by 400+ parameters
            Getting relevant websites from SERP
            Checking backlinks after publishing
              Reviewing domain age, expiration date, and availability for the purchase (search for dropped domains)

              Marketing and Content Teams Tasks

              Quick topic research for successful articles
              Checking orthography
              Collecting data for diverse research
              Analyzing competitors’ content strategy
              Scraping contacts (emails, phone numbers, social media accounts)
              Collecting and monitoring prices on competitors’ websites
              Analyzing social media performance by list of URLs
                SERP scraping
                Сomparing large number of URLs
                  Collecting brand mentions from search engines’ SERP
                  Detecting and optimizing old blog posts, which don’t bring traffic

                  Web Developers and QA Tasks

                  Performing SEO on early development stages
                  Testing and checking the website after implementing any changes
                  Getting full site structure
                  Custom scraping of website data
                  Quick search for potential clients in any business area
                  Scraping contacts (emails, phone numbers, social media accounts)
                  Audit in a few clicks for selling online marketing services (SEO, PPC)

                  PPC Specialists Tasks

                  Getting the complete list of URLs to determine potential landing pages on large websites
                  Scraping necessary data from pages to quickly generate ads
                  Checking status codes and response time of the landing pages in ads and sitelinks
                  Monitoring competitors’ prices for correcting bids
                  Collecting data for Merchant Center feed
                  Quick topic research for successful articles
                  Checking orthography
                  Collecting data for diverse research
                  Searching for issues and weak spots in website’s SEO for boosting organic traffic
                  Analyzing competitors’ content strategy
                  Detecting and optimizing old blog posts, which don’t bring traffic
                  Evaluating website’s quality for link building
                  Analyzing social media performance by list of URLs