How To Use Netpeak Spider To Find Keywords For Which Website Pages Are Ranked

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How To Use Netpeak Spider To Find Keywords For Which Website Pages Are Ranked

To successfully promote a website in organic search, it’s important to know which search queries return a particular page. With this data, you can determine:

  • to what extent the specified search queries are relevant for the analyzed pages
  • search queries that require additional optimization
  • low-performing search queries that should be removed from the page

Read more → Keyword Rank Checker

How To Find The Search Terms For Which a Website Ranks

You can get search query statistics for the desired pages of the website using the Google Search Console webmaster panel in the Performance report, using the ‘Exact URL’ filter:

search query statistics

However, this approach has several disadvantages:

  • You can only see search queries for one page at a time, which is extremely inconvenient if you need to get statistics for 50, 100, 200 or more URLs at once
  • The number of queries in the report is limited to 1,000

As an alternative, you can use the plugin for Google Sheets, Search Analytics for Sheets. It allows you to bypass the limit of 1,000 lines, although it also has its own drawback: it shows search queries statistics for all pages and doesn’t let you view data for a specific list of pages.

Read more → Serp checker

How To Find Search Queries That Return Your Pages With Netpeak Spider

To use Netpeak Spider to find search phrases for which a list of website pages is ranked, you must:

  1. Open the ‘List of URLs’ tab → Select the ‘Enter manually’ section → Enter the list of URLs of the desired pages and click ‘Add’:

    list of URLs tab

  2. Open the ‘Settings’ tab → Select the ‘Google Analytics & Search Console’ section → Click the ‘Add a new Google Account’ button:

    settings tab

  3. In the browser window that opens, select the Google account to which Search Console is attached → Select permissions for viewing and downloading data → Click the ‘Continue’ button:

    google account

  4. In Netpeak Spider, in the ‘Google Search Console Settings’ block, select the desired website → If necessary, you can also configure the date range, device type, country, search type, etc. → Enable export of search queries → Click ‘OK’:

    google search console settings

  5. In the block with parameters, check the item ‘GSC: Requests’ and click ‘Start’:

    google search console requests

  6. Click the ‘Export’ button → Select the item ‘XL (very large) reports from database’ → Click the item ‘Request from Search Console (XL)’:

    requests from GSC

  7. In the window, choose a place to save the export file and click the ‘Select folder’ button:

    select folder

  8. The data table will look like this:

    data table


With Netpeak Spider, you can get keyword statistics from Google Search Console for a list of specific website pages. Unlike when you use Search Console or the Search Analytics for Sheets application directly, Netpeak Spider contains a larger amount of data and displays it broken out by each individual page of the website. The export function allows you to quickly and conveniently download clicks, impressions, and CTR indicators to Excel, which can be used later to determine which pages should be prioritized for search engine optimization.