Netpeak Spider Now on Mac OS
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Promised – done! We are thrilled to tell you that we have released Netpeak Spider on Mac OS 10.11 and higher. Yes, it has finally happened and you can run the program on your beautiful device and celebrate it with the best latte from your favorite coffee shop. Until November 17th, 2017 inclusive we will grant a free trial for all our users to try new Netpeak Spider on Mac OS. But first of all, read more about the key features of Mac version and its main differences from Windows version that is already familiar to some of our users.
1. Netpeak Spider on Mac OS: Key Features
Let me remind you that Netpeak Spider is a desktop tool for fast and comprehensive SEO audit of the entire website. It allows you to crawl your website like a search engine robot and detect 60+ key SEO issues within 50+ parameters that influence the website’s visibility in SERP.
With Netpeak Spider you can also:
✔ Spot critical SEO issues such as broken links, dead ends, duplicate content: pages, title, meta description, h1 headers, etc.
✔ Calculate internal PageRank. Our crawler provides two ways of calculation: automatic and manual. You can learn more about this feature in this post.
✔ View page source and HTTP headers: it allows you to obtain URLs and redirects data, HTTP response and request headers, and a list of GET parameters.
✔ Generate sitemaps: XML, Image and HTML.
✔ Analyze incoming and outgoing internal links and identify issues when using redirects (chains, redirects to 4xx error pages, blocked by Robots.txt, bad URL format redirects, endless redirects). Also, all issues are divided by the degree of criticality into errors, warnings, and notices.
✔ You can adjust Netpeak Spider to your own requirements using crawling modes for the entire website and the URL list. To check a certain part of the website, you can set custom crawling rules. You can also consider indexation instructions (Robots.txt, Meta Robots, X-Robots-Tag, Canonical, Refresh, nofollow attribute for links).
✔ ‘ Custom Search and Extraction’ function provides custom search of source code/text with 4 types of search: ‘Contains’, ‘RegExp’, ‘CSS selector’ or ‘XPath’.
This allows you not only to perform comprehensive SEO audit, but also to set the program for narrowly defined tasks (for example, to check GTM implementation or extract all strong/b, em/i tags).
✔ After performing an in-depth analysis of the website, you will be able to save and export the received data to CSV.
You can check out the whole list of issues and parameters with detailed description on our website.
More good news: if you have already bought a license, it will cover both Windows and Mac OS versions. But keep in mind, with great power comes great responsibility: the crawler cannot be used simultaneously on several devices ;)
2. Differences Between Windows Version and Mac Version
We have made a list of differences between Mac and Windows versions for users who already used Windows version of Netpeak Spider and want to try the crawler on Mac OS. Windows and Mac versions will temporarily vary and will be updated differently. Our team will continue working on regular updates of Mac version to make them as similar as possible and make your experience with our program as comfortable as it can be.
✔ Crawling URLs in XML Sitemap, as well as XML Sitemap validator, will be available in future updates of the program.
✔ We added a new ‘URL info’ tab in the right block. You can choose URL and check all info from the main table in a more convenient way.
✔ The Google SERP crawling mode will also be unavailable (little spoiler: in the new Windows version of Netpeak Spider it will be abolished due to Google limitations, so the Mac version is a bit ahead now). However, don’t get upset, this crawling mode will soon be added in the Netpeak Checker.
✔ There is also no drop-down list with the previous URLs and saved settings in the URL entry line (spoiler: we are preparing something else for you).
✔ Crawler interface is completely updated. As you may have noticed, there is no color highlighting of the issues in the results table. But at the same time, issue classification by the criticality degree is preserved in the right panel. Buttons for data viewing are now located not in the program window, but in the menu above.
So this is how it looks like on Windows:
And this is a panel on Mac OS:
✔ We have also added the ‘Information’ panel at the bottom of the main table. So you can easily find out additional information about an issue: just select it and look at the description in the panel.
In a Nutshell
Now you can use Netpeak Spider on Mac OS 10.11 and higher. In this version all key features of our crawler are available:
- Checking 50+ key on-page SEO parameters.
- Spotting 60+ issues of your website optimization.
- Calculating internal PageRank.
- Analyzing all incoming and outgoing internal links.
- Viewing page source and HTTP headers.
- Generating sitemaps: XML, Image and HTML.
- Crawling the list of URLs, entire website and directory.
- Custom search of source code/text using 4 types of search.
- Considering indexation instructions.
- Spotting issues with redirects.
- Overview panel for fast SEO audit with special status codes which show website indexation and potential issues.
- Export and save all results only in CSV, including reference links, redirects, h1-h6 headers, as well as information about issues and images.
Mac version of Netpeak Spider is a separate program which will be updated differently from Windows version. But we are working hard on making them as similar as possible.
Main functional differences between Mac and Windows versions:
- Сrawling URLs in XML Sitemap is not yet available, as well as XML Sitemap validator.
- No URL drop-down list with saved settings.
- New tab ‘URL info’ in the right block.
- No Google SERP crawling mode.
- The buttons for viewing data and entire table data are now in the menu above the main results table.
- There is no highlighting of the issues in the main results table.
- You can see the description of selected issue in the ‘Information’ panel.
It’s a very defining moment for our crawler development, and we are looking forward to hear your feedback on Mac version of Netpeak Spider! Drop us a line in any way convenient for you:
- email to
- reach out via Facebook or Twitter
- simply leave a comment to this post ;)
We are not going to stop — Mac version of Netpeak Checker is coming, so stay tuned! :)