How to check for backlinks: A Full-in-one Manual by Netpeak Spider

Site Audit Issues
How to check for backlinks: A Full-in-one Manual by Netpeak Spider

Backlinks remain a valuable part of your website ranking in search engines. And a backlink audit entails an assessment of the quality, quantity, and relevance of the links to your site. So why audit backlinks? Such an audit gives you invaluable information on SEO backlink strategy. Besides, it will help you create powerful links and run ahead of competitors in search engine rankings.

Let’s learn how check backlinks with Netpeak Spider in this article! Let the story begin;)

How Do I Check Backlinks?

If you’re curious about how to view backlinks, launching a website’s SEO crawlers is the easiest way. Netpeak Software offers two analytical tools for your convenience: Netpeak Spider and Netpeak Checker. The collaboration of these two tools offers a complete backlink checker. Additionally, you can double-check any errors in the URLs of the inbound links and fix them. Here is how you can proceed:

Crawl Required Pages in Spider

Navigate to the Netpeak Spider and begin crawling the web pages you want to examine for backlinks.

Locate Incoming Links

Once the crawling is done, click on ‘Database’ in Spider. In the drop-down menu, choose ‘Incoming links.’ Those are inbound links to your selected web pages.

Netpeak Spider

Conduct Pages Analysis in Checker

Switch to the Netpeak Checker and upload the links for analysis.

Examine Your Backlinks with Ahrefs, Moz, or Majestic

Audit backlinks by selecting the required parameters. Choose the analyzer tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or Majestic. Then, pick the types of backlinks you want to inspect.

Insert Your APIs

For advanced users with subscriptions to analyzer tools services, you can enhance your analysis by integrating their APIs. Paste your access token into Netpeak Checker to access Moz, Ahrefs, Majestic, SemRush, or Google services.

Why should I connect Google Analytics to backlink audit? A proper connection with your Google Analytics account helps you acquire the most precise traffic analytics for your backlink audit. It displays all the traffic generated from your backlinks.

Monitor Your Link and Export Data

Proceed with links crawling and obtain the report in Netpeak Checker.

Inspect Backlinks in Google Search Console

Additionally, you can proceed with a backlinks audit in Google Search Console. It offers a Links Report with the following features:

  • Top linked pages (Web pages most linked to on your site).
  • Top linking sites (Websites that link to you the most).
  • Top linking sites for a provided page.
  • Backlinks from a site to a given page.
  • Top linking text (Most common text in links to your website).

How do you check backlinks with Google Search Console? Simply navigate to the Links report → External links → Top linked pages/sites/text and obtain the required reports.

Backlinks’ Checker Main Features

So, let’s sum up which backlinks audit features are at your service in Netpeak Software.

Incoming Links Examination in Netpeak Spider

Quickly trace the links to your website by Netpeak Spider. Our backlink analyzer can automatically calculate and monitor this key metric when it crawls your website.

Moz Backlinks Locator in Netpeak Checker

Detect how many links pointing to the desired URL exist, maintained by equity and non-equity groups, and organized internally or externally, using the help of the Moz integration with Netpeak Checker. Ensure tracking and analysis of SEO efficiency level on the site itself.

Ahrefs Backlinks Check-up in Checker

Utilize Ahrefs' backlink analyzer within Netpeak Checker. Determine the number of external links, text, image, nofollow, and dofollow backlinks that direct to your target page.

Majestic Backlink Discoverer in Checker

Check external backlinks for your root domain, target URL, and domains within your sub-net. Majestic works by exploring the list of domains, including governmental and educational. Thus, you will get deeper insights about the relation to your website.

SemRush Backlinks Spotter Checker

Track the external backlinks to the target URL using SemRush explorer. Strengthen your website analytics with this potent checking tool.

Run Link Analysis

Instead of surface-level analysis, go deep and do link analysis with Netpak Spider and Checker. Analyze the backlink quality and relevance to discover any possible internal errors.

Discover Competitor Backlinks

Catch up with your competitors by acquiring as much information about their backlinks as possible. Alter your plan to obtain high-quality links that beat your competitors' backlink profiles.


Monitoring your incoming links to the website is hugely important for your SEO strategies and rankings. If you are interested in how to find all backlinks to a website, this guide, along with Netpeak Software’s backlink checker is your best solution! Scan the pages, identify the links, and use Ahrefs, Moz, Majestic, SemRush, or Google APIs to get the most out of your audit process. Analyse and export such information to gain valuable insights. Google Search Console gives additional reports as well. Analyze the links at the deep level and make competitor backlink discovery with Netpeak Software. Take your SEO strategy to the next level with Netpeak Software's all-in-one tools!