How To Create a Successful Link Building Strategy: 8 Easy Tips for Busy Marketers

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How To Create a Successful Link Building Strategy: 8 Easy Tips for Busy Marketers

Have you heard that SEO link building strategy is not an easy task? And that it is difficult for SEO specialists and marketers to create a link to their website so that it brings success. Sound familiar to you? You are in the right place.

In this article, you will learn how to create a successful link building strategy. And you will also receive 8 simple tips to facilitate the work of marketers and SEO specialists in promoting in search engines with links.

What Is a Link Building Strategy & Why is it so Important?

Link building strategies are techniques used by marketers and SEO professionals to get other websites to link to their own. This is called backlinks.

Link building is very important for search engine optimization (SEO). This is one of the main factors that search engines use to determine ranking, i.e. getting search results on the first page.

In fact, pages that rank #1 in Google search results have an average of 4x more backlinks than pages that rank #2-10. When deciding how to rank your website, Google and other search engines look at how many links point to your site (and the quality of those links).

The more high-quality, trusted, and authoritative sites that link to you, the higher your blog posts and sales pages will appear on search results pages. In addition, links to your site help users find your site and can increase traffic and trust.

Many companies choose to outsource link building services and delegate this task to specialized agencies or freelancers who have the expertise and resources to execute successful link building campaigns.

Link Building Strategies for SEO's & Marketers: how to choose?

It is important to remember that link building is a long process, but it brings a good result in the search engine optimization of your site. Link building strategies require upfront work, but once you've laid the groundwork, you're setting yourself up for significant success. Therefore, your strategy must include long-term goals in order to see progress.

There are quite a few link building strategies for SEOs and marketers, such as:

  1. Guest Posting
  2. Using infographics and content in Social Media
  3. Broken Links
  4. Earn Media Links
  5. Skyscraper Technique
  6. Resource Link Building
  7. Content Repurposing
  8. Co-Author Strategy
  9. Link Roundups & Surveys
  10. Link reclamation
  11. Replicating the Best Links of your competitors
  12. Question & Answers and etc

You can spend a lot of time learning these strategies. That's why we've rounded up and created an article with a few simple tips for busy SEOs and marketers to help you quickly create a successful link building strategy. Read detailed description of some of them below.

Tip 1. Publish Guest Posts on relevant websites

In order to rank at the top of search engines, you need authoritative backlinks. And you can do that with guest posting. Guest posting is one of the most effective strategies for getting quality links.

How it works? You select a site in your niche, agree on certain conditions with the site owner and place your post. You can do it yourself or use special services.

The guest post service will help speed up the process of placing guest posts. Such a marketplace connects website owners and advertising customers.

Website owners are interested in putting high-quality content on their blogs that they can use to attract new readers as well as interact with their current audience. And customers, in turn, receive a high-quality link and advertising for their product.

If you are looking for which service to guest post through, you can use for example. It will allow you to choose the best donor site and Ahrefs and Serpstat metrics integrated into the system, and 40+ more options will help you with this.

How to choose a quality site for guest posting? Firstly, you need to choose the theme of the site.


Next, pay attention to the following indicators, which are primarily important for choosing a donor site: traffic per month, DR, keywords, organic traffic, as well as queries in the TOP.

similar web

The guest posting service is fast and convenient, unlike guest blogging. At the same time, guest blogging is also a good tool for SEO. So, negotiate with the site owners to place your articles, or trust the guest post markeplace and just show your own creativity and promote your site to the TOP!

Leveraging an SEO link building software can significantly streamline the guest post prospect vetting process. This advanced tool helps you identify high-quality sites, ensuring that your guest posts reach the most relevant and authoritative audiences.

Tip 2. Use Infographics in Social Media to promote your ideas

58 percent of companies in the world use infographics, and 85 percent of those who use them find them effective. That's all because infographics still work today and play an important role in your link building strategy. Statics data you can read here.

The advantage of infographics is that you will constantly generate organic traffic to your blog and get quality links without even looking for them.

People use infographics as a visual way to reach their audience. Infographics allow you to share complex information with your audience in a simple image-based format.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, demand for infographics has skyrocketed and is one of the six most popular types of content used by B2B marketers.

In 2012, Copyblogger published an infographic called 15 Grammar Goofs.

To date, this infographic alone has generated 6,500+ tweets, 60,300+ Facebook likes, 2,000+ LinkedIn shares, over 194,600 Pins, and over 500 comments. Although infographics are a few years old, they continue to grow and gain attention from Copyblogger.

search demand for infographics

To create infographics, you need to know a few things. The first thing to consider is the theme of the site being promoted, its age and attendance. Depending on the theme of the site, you will need to generate useful, informative and incendiary content for users. For example, if the theme of the promoted resource is music, then everything is simple here.

And in the event that the site is dedicated to fertilizers, you will have to work hard to create competent, useful and interesting content.

You can conduct a poll on social media or ask the audience directly what topics and questions they would like answered. This will help you not only in writing text, but also in building infographics.

So, in order for your content to be very well optimized, you need to use social media along with infographics. Thanks to this, more people will know about you and your audience will be more loyal to you. And in addition, you will stand out from your competitors!

Tip 3. Create Link Building Roundups & Surveys

Link collections and polls are curated updates from bloggers who link to their favorite content over a period of time. Also, link reviews and surveys are great link building strategies. All you need to do is create a list of blog posts from other bloggers.

At its core, Roundups are a mutually beneficial relationship. The bloggers who create these picks are actively looking for linkable content. They need content, you have it – boom, easy.

This means that digests are lists of curated content from the web on specific topics, e.g. SaaS marketing, over a period of time.

For example, the screenshot below shows links to SaaS, startups, and content marketing.

link roundup

As you can see, resources are divided into two categories:

  1. SaaS and startups
  2. Content marketing and SEO

Review links provided in each category are resources suggested by the author or publisher.

There is literally no limit to the topics you can find and review. You can use the guest post service to find places to publish your posts!

From digital marketing to SEO and social media marketing, there are literally hundreds of topics to cover. The most common type is weekly link reviews, although you can also find monthly and yearly reviews.

This is the first type of roundup.

The second type involves curating expert opinions on a very specific topic and creating a piece of content in the form of a list post.

Remember, when you do Roundups, don't just link to your internal pages. Site owners may not be inspired to link to you because you haven't used the principle of reciprocity. Link to their posts, and they will most likely reciprocate by linking to your resource page.

Tip 4. Link reclamation

Link recovery is the process of finding broken or dead links to your site, fixing them, and replacing them with updated URLs.

Although not as flashy as link building, link rebuilding is a vital part of getting the most out of your link profile and maintaining your rankings.

Rebuilding links is a great opportunity for marketers and SEO professionals. It maintains weight, supports a positive user experience, and can even help generate new backlinks.

  1. The first thing you need to do is analyze your domain and see which links have been removed from which sites.
  2. Second, check why the link was removed: content update or the page was deleted.
  3. Then make an appeal to the owner of the site: or find other suitable places for the link in the blog. Also, as an option, you can find a suitable part in the updated content and ask the site owner to fix it.

Tip 5. Spy on your competitors & Replicate the Best Links

If your competitors are ranking higher in search engines than you, they may be on the right track when it comes to SEO. Do not doubt, you can be there too.

Tracking your competitors to find out where they get backlinks from is a very powerful tool.

In addition, tracking them helps you see what keywords they're ranking for. It also helps to see where their best links are coming from and what they are currently doing with success. All this is called "competitive analysis".

So, how do you check your competitor's backlinks?

Perform the following steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the Ubersuggest site and enter your competitor's domain in the search bar on the site.


  • Step 2: On the results page, click on the box that says backlinks.

    traffic overview

  • Step 3: Scroll down the list to see the sites linking to your competitor.


Now you have a list of sites that you can now work with.

You can analyze competitors or, for example, donor sites, using both the free Ubersuggest tool and paid tools like Ahrefs or Serpstat, which have advanced SEO analysis functionality.

Based on the resulting list of domains, you can build your link building strategy that will help you succeed and get to the TOP of search engines.

Depending on the complexity of the link, you can get it through outreach or a guest post service, or some kind of partnership.

Tip 6. Broken Links Strategy: get your link instead dead one

Broken link building (also known as dead link building) is the practice of building backlinks by replacing links on 404 pages with a working link to the target website.

Creating a broken link consists of 4 stages. You can use Ahrefs Free Backlink Checker for this.

Here is such a tactic:

  1. Look for broken backlink pages of your competitors
  2. Search for broken pages on a specific topic
  3. Look for broken links on competing websites
  4. Search for broken links on resource pages

Below, you can find an algorithm for how to look for broken pages of your competitors with backlinks. Many of your competitors will have at least a few dead pages as everyone moves, deletes, and reorganizes content over time. If they forget to redirect the old URLs in the process, their backlinks will point to broken pages.

Here's how to find dead pages on your competitors' websites:

  • Go to Site Explorer
  • Enter a competing domain
  • Go to the Top Links report.
  • Filter for 404 pages not found.
  • Sort the report by transition domains from highest to lowest.
  • For example, the Content Marketing Institute website has 134 dead pages, and some have backlinks from over 50 target domains.
  • After all that, check your backlinks, create a replacement page, and do some outreach.

pages by incoming links

Tip 7. Content is king: Publish Link-Worthy Content

Content is the currency of the Internet. It's how we communicate, share, influence, educate and sell. If there is no content, there is no exchange of ideas.

Information, along with infographics, is what allows companies to build relationships with customers and invest in long-term loyalty.

As such, content is a powerful tool for informing and educating consumers about you, your product, and more. Also, high-quality content equals backlinks. You need to create good content so that people want to share it themselves.

percentage of B2B marketers with a documented content marketing strategy

Tip 8. Earn media Links

Earned media is one cost-effective way to increase brand awareness and, if done right, increase sales.

Now, a strategic media program requires an ongoing effort to build awareness and build relationships with industry bloggers, journalists, and other influencers who may share your content once they learn who you are and what value you can bring to their readers or subscribers.

When you're building a journalist-influencer relationship, promote the same content topics you cover in your media — either as the coverage you can participate in or as content.

So you will quickly get to the first page of your topic in search engines. Whether you have one carefully crafted piece of content or 200 articles on a single topic, quantity doesn't matter in Google's eyes.

What matters is how useful people find your content. Most importantly, are people linking to your content? But not all links are created equal. Earned media, i.e. links, are high-authority domains that publish and rank on the first page of Google with your topics.


In this review, you learned about the top 8 SEO promotion strategies.

So choose the link building strategy that works for you. The key thing to remember is that you want natural links from sites that Google already considers opinion leaders.

All of these strategies are important, and it's a good idea to use them all. But for starters, you can choose just a few and advance in browsers thanks to them.